
CBSE 2024: Fresh News on 10th and 12th Exam Dates


Advertisement on the schedule of CBSE Board tests for 2024 The schedule for the CBSE 10th and 12th examinations is passing some changes. The revised schedule will be blazoned shortly.

Updates on CBSE Board 10 and 12 test dates for 2024 The Central Board of Secondary Education( CBSE) is listed to hold examinations for classes 10 and 12 in February and April of 2024. The schedule could be blazoned anytime soon. Be informed that the board will publish the final examination schedule on its sanctioned websites, or The dates for the practical examinations, still, have formerly been released.

Board exams will begin on February 15th

We would like to inform you that the CBSE has confirmed that the 2024 board exams will begin on February 15. The board has since announced that these tests would take place for approximately 55 days and should conclude by April 10, 2024. The timetable or date distance is usually released by CBSE one to one and a half months before the exam.

Get the datasheet by clicking here

1. Go to CBSE’s approved website,

2. Click the link for the 10th and 12th Time Table 2024 after that.

3. The timetable will now open in PDF format in front of you.

4. After verifying, researchers can download this PDF.

The last exam period concluded on March 21

The 2023 CBSE schedule was released in December. Starting from February 15, exams were conducted for both classes. The Class 12 finals took place from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm and ended on April 5. On the other hand, Class 10 finals were completed by March 21.

the authorShelly

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